Young Texas Democrats, Republicans Put Aside Differences To Help Louisiana Flood Victims August - golden team

Young Texas Democrats, Republicans Put Aside Differences To Help Louisiana Flood Victims August

Young Texas Democrats, Republicans Put Aside Differences To Help Louisiana Flood Victims August

Flood Relief Supplies

Nearly two weeks of flooding has left Louisiana with one of the worst natural disasters Americans have faced since Hurricane Sandy. In the face of this disaster, many unlikely alliances have been made.
According to the Dallas Morning News, the Texas Young Democrats and the Texas Young Republicans have joined forces to aid the flood victims. It is the first statewide collaboration between the two groups.
“Our Louisiana neighbors need your help…” the Young Republicans tweeted on August 21. “Please consider making a donation online today via”.
“Join us and @TexasYRs in sending relief to victims of the #LouisianaFlood,” the Young Democrats tweeted on August 22, notes Upworthy. “Because southern hospitality.”
“When we work together, BIG things can happen,” the Dallas Young Democrats tweeted on August 23.
The two groups are aiding the Arkansas Young Republicans who, under the leadership of chairwoman Sarah Drye, have begun a custom Amazon Wishlist that is supplying flood victims with some essential goods. The list includes school supplies, diapers, first aid products, and home supplies, notes the Dallas Morning News.
"At the end of the day, we all live and work together," John Baucum, chairman of the Texas Young Republicans said or working with his Democratic counterparts.
"Our generation recognizes that some things are just plain bigger than ourselves," Celia Morgan, president of the Texas Young Democrats, said. "After all, Southern hospitality knows no political affiliation."
"We understand that a diversification of ideas is what makes us better as a human race," Chelsea Roe, Communications Director of the Young Democrats, told Upworthy. "At the end of it all, that's what we have in common — we want to leave this world we live in a better place than it was when we came into it."

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